Terms of Service & Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

API Works (hereinafter referred to as "we") develops and operates smartphone applications (hereinafter referred to as "apps"). By using our app, you are deemed to have agreed to these terms.

2. Information We Collect

When using our app, we collect the following user information.

2.1 Information for Ad Delivery

We use Google AdMob for ad delivery in our apps. We obtain an advertising ID for ad delivery purposes, but it is not used to identify individuals. For details on the information collected, purpose of use, and provision to third parties, please refer to the following privacy policy link.
AdMob (Google Inc.)

2.2 Information for App Support

• Sender's email address
• Inquiry details

3. Purpose of Use

We use the information collected under 2.2 to respond to inquiries. Additionally, we use the information collected under 2.2 to improve the quality of our app.

4. Management of Personal Information

We keep our customers' personal information accurate and up-to-date and implement security measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, damage, alteration, or leakage of personal information, ensuring strict management of personal information.

5. Prohibition of Disclosure and Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

We properly manage the personal information entrusted to us by our customers and do not disclose personal information to third parties except in the following cases:
• With the customer's consent
• When disclosure is required by law

6. Compliance with Laws and Regulations and Review

We comply with Japanese laws and other regulations applicable to the personal information we hold and strive to improve this policy by reviewing its content as appropriate.

7. Disclaimer

We do not guarantee that our app will meet the specific purposes of users, have the expected functions, product value, accuracy, or usefulness, or that it will be free of defects.
We may change the specifications of the app at our convenience. We are not liable for any damages suffered by users due to the termination, change, or unavailability of the app, data loss, or machine failure or damage resulting from the use of the app.

8. Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights

All rights, including copyrights, belong to us or third parties holding the rights.

9. Contact Information

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